BBL Acne Treatment

Discover the power of BBL acne treatment at DayDreams. Say goodbye to acne and hello to healthy, luminous skin. Clear acne, eliminate bacteria, and tackle skin issues like age spots, wrinkles, and more. Experience the innovative laser therapy at its best!

BBL Acne Treatment
BBL Acne Treatment

BBL Acne Treatment

Discover the power of BBL acne treatment at DayDreams. Say goodbye to acne and hello to healthy, luminous skin. Clear acne, eliminate bacteria, and tackle skin issues like age spots, wrinkles, and more. Experience the innovative laser therapy at its best!

What is BBL Acne Treatment?

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The BBL acne treatment uses a powerful Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) device, which uses a blue BBL light and a yellow BBL light to create light energy. This pulsed light energy targets acne-causing bacteria that live on the surface of the skin, as well as the sebaceous glands that are known for causing acne and other skin disorders. The pulsed light’s energy also stimulates and regenerates the skin cells, making it one of the most versatile laser treatments in cosmetics. The Forever Clear BBL treatment by Sciton can be used to improve skin imperfections in both men and women.

What is BBL Acne Treatment

What are the Benefits of BBL Treatment?


The benefits of BBL treatment make it a great choice for both teens and adults that suffer from active acne types. This revolutionary procedure works on nearly everybody, including common treatment areas like the face, back, and neck.

The Forever Clear BBL treatment has numerous benefits, and here are a few:

  • Active acne is reduced or eliminated
  • Appearance of pores is reduced
  • Skin tone evens out regardless of skin type
  • Future outbreaks are reduced
  • Age spots are reduced
  • Wrinkles are reduced
  • New breakouts prevented

How Many BBL Acne Treatments Are Needed?

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How Many BBL Acne Treatments Are Needed

The recommended number of BBL acne treatments varies depending on the patient, the skin issue being treated, the recovery time, and the body’s natural healing process. The process takes more than just one treatment in most cases, typically requiring spaced over a number of weeks and/or months.

Some patients will have to undergo clear treatment touch-ups every six months based on the severity of the issue being treated. During your initial consultation, a qualified healthcare provider will cover the details involved in BBL treatment and discuss your personal history, medical history, and other treatments that you may have tried. Using this information, they will develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses all of your needs. If you have questions about getting your personalized treatment plan, please contact our Lakeland, FL, clinic, and we’d be glad to assist you.

What Happens During BBL Acne Treatment?

  • Step 1: Use a pulsed light device delivering BLUE light into the upper layers of skin to obliterate acne-causing bacteria found in the pores. They also use this blue light to eliminate acne.
  • Step 2: Then, use a non-invasive YELLOW light device delivering light energy deep into your skin to reduce inflammation and acne-associated redness. An added benefit of this technique is that it aids in preventing new breakouts and will help you maintain clearer skin.
  • Step 3: The final step of the forever clear treatment involves using INFRARED light to go over the treatment area. The infrared light emits gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, thus ensuring minimal patient downtime.

Aside from using light in this cutting-edge acne treatment, many other factors are worth mentioning. You will wear a special shield with a red filter lens when undergoing light treatment. Most patients report feeling a warm sensation as the light from the laser is absorbed into the skin cells. However, this is a typically gentle, safe treatment.

From start to finish, the procedure should take no more than half an hour, but this depends on the size of the treatment area. The practitioner may apply a topical anesthetic cream if sensitive areas are being treated.

What Happens During the BBL Acne Treatment

What are the Risks and Side-Effects of BBL Treatment?

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What are the Risks and Side-Effects of BBL Treatment

The potential side effects of the Forever Clear BBL acne treatment are typically mild and only last a few hours. There are the most common side-effects:

  • Redness
  • Tingling
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Irritation
  • Numbness

Although very rare, you may experience minor bruising or a slight numbness; these side effects should last no more than a few days. If these side effects or complications persist, you should promptly contact your physician.

What Does BBL Recovery and Aftercare Involve?

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The effectiveness of the BBL therapy should be immediately evident. Most patients notice a vast improvement in the appearance of their skin after just one session; however, between four treatments and eight treatments yield the best results. Maintenance treatments are usually suggested because they help prevent acne bacteria and preserve healthy skin.

What Does BBL Recovery and Aftercare Involve

Along with the BBL treatment, your DayDreams healthcare provider combining it with one of the numerous methods of acne treatment that use creams or exfoliators. Finally, they may instruct you to use a high SPF sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure, but you should be able to resume normal activities and wear makeup immediately.

How Long Do Results Typically Last?


The results of BBL treatment usually last for a long time, but this depends on various factors, including your eating habits, family genetics, stress levels, and skincare habits. During the development of your personalized treatment plan, your health provider should be able to give you an idea of how long the effects of the treatment will last and how many maintenance sessions will be necessary for the desired outcome.

Healthy Smooth Skin with BBL Acne Treatment

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To comfortably and effectively clear acne without creams or medicines, over-the-counter remedies, or prescription medication, you should consider Broadband Light Acne Treatment by Sciton. This revolutionary treatment is not only used to eliminate bacteria and active acne, but it’s also very effective against age spots, vascular and pigment lesions, wrinkles, and improving the overall appearance of your skin. Better still, BBL treatment is a quick process so you can get back to your everyday activities. If you’re tired of dealing with acne problems, please call our Lakeland, FL med spa to schedule a consultation.

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